====== 2008 ====== ===== NZART Conference 2008 ===== A selection of images taken during the NZART Conference held in Dunedin in 2008. 2008 was the 80th anniversary of NZART Otago Branch 30! {{gallery>:zl4aa:past-events:2008:conference}} ---- ===== Shag Valley Trip ===== Members of ZL4AA visited the Shag Valley site of the first trans-world radio contact by Z4AA. {{gallery>:zl4aa:past-events:2008:shag-valley}} ---- ===== Jock White Contest ===== The club was busy in with the NZART Jock White Field Day during 23 -24 February 2008. {{gallery>:zl4aa:past-events:2008:jock-white}} ---- ===== VHF DX Contest ===== One man and his antenna can make a difference ;-) {{gallery>:zl4aa:past-events:2008:vhf-dx}}